Tuesday, August 31, 2010



  1. Before the weld

    1. Prepare materials and soldering equipment on the table work. 
    2. Clean the end of the bit of paper pemateri las.
    3. Place the tool on the parking pemateri pemateri tool.
    4. Heat pemateri tool.
    5. Celupkan pemateri bit in the end the flux container.
    6. Sentuhkan end a little bit of tin pemateri pemateri.
    7. Make sure that bode circuit components and feet clean and free from oxide layers.
  2. During the solder
    1. Pemateri tilt to 30 degrees.
    2. Make sure the wires are on the outside of your hand.
    3. Sentuhkan pemateri the foot end of the bit parts.
    4. Sentuhkan pemateri of the leg without lifting components pemateri tool bit. 
    5. When the tin melts well, keep the tip of pemateri bit of tin solder and components of leg.

  1. After solder
    1. When finished, clean the bit of the shine bit damp sponge.
    2. If it appears there is an excess of tin solder, dilute with pemateri end and pick up by using solder sucker.
    3. Toe the finished component may be removed by dipateri playar side cutters.
    4. Clean and store all tools.
    5. Store tools in pemateri reserved.
    6. Proper soldering to avoid short circuit.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


  • Bahan pateri - campuran timah dan plumbum dan digunakan untuk mencantumkan hujung wayar dan kaki komponen pada balapan di bod litar. Saiz biasa digunakan ialah 0.8mm dan 1mm.
  • Bahan lakur/ fluks - digunakan untuk mengasingkan lapisan oksida yang terjadi apabila terkena haba daripada alat pemateri pada tempat yang dipateri.
  • Gred timah pateri yang biasa digunakan ialah 60:40 iaitu timah 60% dan plumbum 40%


Set pemutar skru digunakan untuk melonggarkan dan mengetatkan skru. Jenis pemutar skru bergantung kepada bentuk kepala skru. Kegunaan set ini adalah untuk mengetatkan dan menanggalkan skru-skru yang berdiameter kecil.


Playar kacip/ Pemotong sisi digunakan untuk memotong dawai dan wayar elektrik. Ia juga digunakan untuk memotong kaki komponen elektronik.


Playar muncung tirus sesuai untuk membengkokkan dan memotong dawai halus. Ia juga digunakan untuk memotong kaki komponen dan memegang atau mencapai komponen elektronik di ruang yang sempit. 

Friday, August 27, 2010


Grinding machine used to mencanai tool or work piece. Type
mencanai work will determine the type of grinding machine is used.
There are various types of grinding machines which are often used in the workshop.

The types of grinding machine
There are four types of digunkan grinding machine in the workshop. 

1. Grinding machine table 
It is mounted on the table, use
to mencanai lathe machine tool,
chisel, and drill points.
It is fitted with a grinding wheel
smooth and rough.

2. Pedestal grinding machine
Its function is similar to grinding machine
table, equipped with a pedestal
diboltkan on the floor.

3. Surface grinding machine
Using the wheel-shaped canai
It has a magnetic field to table
the purpose of grasping the work piece.
It moves horizontally and
vertical, it is used to mencanai
workpiece surface.